novis electronics AG sees itself as a responsible and sustainable partner, daily companion and navigator for consumers in an increasingly digital world. As a market developer for consumer products in the DACH region, we are a role model for our industries - we have set ourselves the task of shaping and shaping responsible and sustainable business. In order to be successful in the long term, we align our activities along the entire value chain with the ecological, social and legal framework conditions.
Our strategy
- Sustainable innovations
- Sustainability in supplier management
- Sustainable products
- Sustainable logistics
- Sustainable markets
- Sustainable services
- Sustainability in stakeholder communication
Responsible growth and sustainable business
novis offers secure and attractive jobs. In addition, we ensure that environmental and social standards are also observed and promoted by our suppliers. We shape our growth as a company sustainably and in such a way that we contribute to the local and regional economy.
Shaping sustainable value creation and using our innovative strength for sustainable solutions
Promoting innovation and new business models is one of our core competencies. Digitalisation in particular is triggering decisive transformation processes. Digitalisation also offers us completely new solutions for current and future challenges - for example, we contribute with innovations to reducing the consumption of resources and energy in order to create sustainable value.
Agire a favore delle parti interessate e promuovere un comportamento responsabile dei consumatori.
novis considers it its duty to create added value for consumers while also developing solutions for environmental and social challenges. Together with our partners, we can and want to shape the market for sustainable solutions in our industry. We take the expectations, wishes and needs of our stakeholders to heart and support our partners in responsible, sustainable consumer behaviour.
Protecting the climate and resources along the entire value chain
During the course of our business activities as a trading company, we cause climate-damaging CO2 emissions - for example in the area of logistics and transport. We have a responsibility to reduce our negative impact on the climate as much as possible and to use our influence beyond our corporate boundaries.