Eve Play verwandelt dein Musik-Streaming in ein High-End-Erlebnis! Der preisgekrönte Audioadapter, eingebettet in ein elegantes Designgehäuse, ermöglicht eine nahtlose Verbindung deiner Stereoanlage, Aktivlautsprecher oder Soundbars mit Apple-Geräten.
Reading time: 4 min
ABB strengthens portfolio of smart home technologies with acquisition of Eve Systems
The transaction will make ABB a leading provider of smart home products based on "Matter" and "Thread" as new standards for interoperability and wireless connectivity. The combined offering, including Eve's user-centric energy modernisation portfolio, will enable ABB to accelerate safe, smart and energy-efficient retrofits of homes and buildings.
Demand for smart home technologies is growing as users seek greater energy efficiency and authorities incentivise the refurbishment and modernisation of existing buildings. Buildings are responsible for almost 40 per cent of global carbon emissions.
Since 2018, novis has successfully distributed the entire product portfolio of Eve Systems GmbH. The partnership between novis and Eve Systems will remain in place despite the acquisition of ABB and customers can continue to benefit from the cooperation.
This development could be beneficial for both companies. ABB can expand its product offering and benefit from Eve Systems' established brand and expertise. At the same time, novis can continue to offer innovative smart home products from Eve Systems and benefit from ABB's strong positioning in the industry.
Mit Eve Play streamst du Musik via AirPlay bequem und hochauflösend auf vorhandene Verstärker, Aktivlautsprecher oder Soundbars. Der in ein preisgekröntes Designgehäuse gefasste High-End-Audioadapter verbindet Stereoanlagen mit deinem Heimnetz und ermöglicht so eine komfortable Musikwiedergabe direkt von deinen Apple-Geräten.
Für eine maximal stabile Übertragung empfängt Eve Play deine Musik per WLAN (2.4/5 GHz) oder Ethernet-Port. An die Hi-Fi-Komponenten leitet er sie flexibel analog mit dem beigelegten Cinch-Kabel oder digital über optische und koaxiale Anschlüsse weiter. Ein leistungsstarker Digital-Analog-Wandler mit Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis von 112 dB sorgt dafür, dass auf dem Weg zum Lautsprecher die höchstmögliche Klangqualität erhalten bleibt und du die Details deiner Lieblingsmusik geniessen kannst.
Teilst du dein Hörerlebnis via AirPlay mit Musikfans in anderen Räumen, sorgt Eve Play für ein synchrones Zusammenspiel des Lautsprecherverbunds. Etwaige Latenzen gleicht der Audio Sync in der Eve-App wahlweise automatisch oder manuell angepasst aus. Das Ergebnis: beeindruckend nahtlose Streaming-Klangfreude im ganzen Zuhause.
About Eve Systems
Eve Systems was founded in 1999 and is known for the user-friendliness and high quality of its smart home products. The extensive range includes components for home automation, energy management, security and device control. With around 50 employees, Eve is one of the pioneers of the new "Matter" communication protocol. This ensures that smart home products - regardless of manufacturer and operating system - are fully interoperable via the "Thread" radio standard, i.e. wirelessly. More than half of Eve's products are aimed at helping households with energy management. In this way, the company is meeting the increasing consumer demand for energy-efficient products.
About novis electronics AG
novis electronics AG is the designated representative of leading brands in the consumer electronics industry in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. With our network and know-how as well as our tailor-made and flexible market services, we develop the market for our customers. All services such as marketing, public relations, category management, sales, promotion and training, after-sales service as well as the complete supply chain management for the B2B and B2R marketplace are provided by novis from a single source. Our motivated and flexible team develops inspiring strategies for our customers, from simple logistical full-fillment solutions to complex market entry, thus achieving long-term success.
Contact: Elias Weisskopf, Product Manager