novis green

Sarah Scherzinger

Sarah rocks internal sales!

Welcome, Sarah, our new face in internal sales! In this interview, she shares her passion for sales, her motivation, and gives us insights into her personality that make her a valuable addition to our team.

Sarah Scherzinger

Sarah Scherzinger is the newest member of our internal sales team and comes to us with a passion for customer contact. With her versatile language skills and enthusiasm for sales, she is ready to find solutions and help our customers. Sarah values the open team culture at novis and is looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead.

Sarah Scherzinger, Mitarbeiterin der novis
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What inspired you to work in sales?

I always relished customer contact even during training – whether it was on the phone or by email. I really enjoy helping customers and finding solutions, regardless of whether it's in German, English, French or my native Spanish.

If you could be a product from our range for a day, which one would it be and why?

I think I would be the SONOS ACE. I always have my headphones with me and listen to music whenever possible – be it at work, at home, on public transport or at the gym. Music is simply an essential part of my everyday life.

What do you like best about your work at novis?

I especially value the young and open team at novis. The working atmosphere is great and there is always a wide variety of tasks. I also think it's great that you can quickly work independently.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and what superpower would you use to help our customers?

If I were a superhero, I would probably be The Flash! If customers urgently needed an order, I could deliver it in next to no time – maybe even immediately! 😊

What are your biggest challenges in internal sales and how do you deal with them?

One challenge is definitely customer complaints. In difficult situations, it's important to stay calm and friendly. Even if the customer is annoyed and gets louder, I try not to take it personally and find a solution.

What do you appreciate most about working with customers?

I appreciate how understanding the majority of our customers are. When mistakes occur, they draw them to my attention without being aggressive. Together, we then find a quick solution, whether by email or phone.

If I were a superhero, I think I'd be The Flash! 😊
Sarah Scherzinger

What are your goals for the future at novis?

I would like to develop both professionally and personally. I am eager to take on new tasks and to push myself to my limits.

If you could travel back in time, what era would you choose and why?

I would love to go back to the 80s or 90s. The fashion of that time, with bell-bottoms and baggy jeans, really appeals to me – and I also love the music of that era!

What is your favourite hobby and how do you best relax after a day at work?

I go to the gym on a regular basis to keep fit. After a long day at work, I most like to relax in front of the TV, watch trash TV and eat the occasional snack 😊.

Which book, film or series have you most recently enjoyed?

The last film that inspired me was ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ from the Marvel universe. The talented actors and the brilliant animation make the film a real highlight for me.


We are thrilled to be working with Sarah and look forward to many successes together at novis!

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